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Airplanes.Live ADS-B MLAT map screenshot
Airplanes.Live ADS-B Global heat map screenshot

What is Airplanes.Live?

Airplanes.Live is a website dedicated to aviation enthusiasts. It leverages enthusiast receivers to capture ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) and MLAT (Multilateration) data, providing real-time information about aircraft in your area. Your unfiltered data allows enthusiasts, researchers, and journalists access to an incredible amount of data related to flight monitoring. Airplanes.Live displays all ADS-B and all Mode S equipped, calculated by MLAT, aircraft on a full featured tracking map with history and replay functions.

Airplanes.Live will never filter or obfuscate MLAT results. Unfiltered and Unobfuscated MLAT is also transmitted back to each feeder sending data to Airplanes.Live.

Whether you're a plane spotter or simply curious about the skies above, Airplanes.Live offers a unique perspective on air traffic, making it a valuable resource for aviation enthusiasts and curious individuals alike.

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