Our client install scripts will work on existing receivers!
These scripts aid in setting up your current ADS-B receiver to feed airplanes.live.
This will not disrupt any existing feed clients already present.
When setting up new feeders, a decoder such as readsb or dump1090-fa must be installed.
Find your coordinates and elevation!
curl -L -o /tmp/feed.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/airplanes-live/feed/main/install.sh
sudo bash /tmp/feed.sh
The feed IP for airplanes.live is
netstat -t -n | grep -E '30004|31090'
Expected Output:
tcp 0 182 localhost:43530 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 410 localhost:47332 ESTABLISHED
After the install completes, check Airplanes.live MyFeed for feed status.
See your shared data on airplanes.live!