The tracking map on has a universal search box that will find ICAO number, registration number, and aircraft type.
Click on Filters in the right sidebar to switch to the filtering tab. This allows you to filter by details such as altitude range, callsign, squawk, type, or type description.
There are a number of buttons each containing a letter to turn on and off specific features, all of these buttons can be clicked with a mouse or just press the letter on your keyboard. +/- Lower Right = zoom in and out, you may also use your scroll wheel
Choose from a wide range of Maps, Charts, and overlays such as weather to display aircraft on. This is also where you turn on your location dot and range rings.
A number of Display options can be set here including Units of measure displayed.
You may click select an aircraft on the list just as you would click on it on the map Note: The list is limited to about 100 aircraft so you may not see a plane you are looking at if you are zoomed out, click on it zoom in until there are less planes on the map and it will be listed.
Planes are colored in a gradient of orange to purple then red that give a visual representation of the aircraft’s altitude. Gray aircraft are on the ground and their ADS-B transponder is transmitting in ground mode.
Shift + L toggle estimated last leg vs full trace.
If you would like to temporarily hide all the navigation buttons for a cleaner interface you may do so temporarily by hitting Shift + S key.
The map will attempt to detect your location automatically as long as you allow your browser to do provide the info, if you want a more precise locations, or a different location then where you currently are you can set it with a URL parameter. This position is only present for this visit, so bookmark that URL and use it. Range Rings can be turned on and off in the Map Layers Icon, there is no way to adjust the ranges displayed.
The mobile version of the tar1090 has some layout changes to make it usable on smaller screens, also you will find it helpful to use the increase Icon size button to make it easier to work with. The Mobile version also has a cap of displaying only 100 planes, this may present situations where you are zoomed out and only see lower flying aircraft because it loads from low to high. Zoom into an area for all aircraft to be seen.
There are a number of setting for that can be changed by URL parameters.
Maximum number of dots to draw is the number after heatmap. Be patient with your browser. Using heatManualRedraw is encouraged to make it easier to move around. Scroll to desired geographic area, then add the heatmap parameters to the URL. On powerful PCs, you can draw as many as 2 million dots. Optional arguments that can be added to the URL: